Rainbow is one of the best kids shows, because it combines important lessons, memorable characters, sweet aesthetics and catchy songs

On here I will try to keep up to date with pages and videos for you to view that are about
RAINBOW. There will also be a few full episodes from my collection, as a safety measure if the sites hosting the episodes go down or the videos are removed. Make sure you bookmark us!:D
(BTW, thankyou very muchly Neocities community for
2000 views! It's very appreciated and I'm glad people are looking at my site!)
THIS PAGE IS OPTIMIZED FOR NETSCAPE 2.0! Haha, that's a joke, this page is not optimized for anything because I am terrible at coding. Also no one uses Netscape anymore.
To check for new updates, feel free to check the captain's log, which is my sort of diary for the site!